Are you looking to spice things up? Try new things? This game may be just what you need!
Devil’s Wheel is a sexy and naughty roulette style game made for adults only! The game contains a set of actions that will help you explore new and exciting things in the bedroom. Players spin the wheel and perform the actions they land on. As you play, the game levels up to increase the intensity!
This game is designed to address some the short-comings of similar mobile games. It was done for fun and is available for free with no ads. Please enjoy. If you have feedback on the gameplay or the content, please send an email. Suggestions for new actions are also encouraged!
*** Gameplay Overview ***
All players in the game take turns spinning the wheel. When the wheel lands on an action, that action is presented to the player that spun as a direction for him or her to follow. When the action is complete, the player should press the “Done” button, and play will move to the next player. If the players decide they don’t want to perform an action, there is also a “Respin” button available. If respinning, the player will be asked they want to remove the action from the game. This will remove the action from the wheel for the rest of the game.
The game has been split into 4 levels. As you play, you will level up. Each level up increases the intensity of the actions on the wheel.
Gettin’ Flirty – Light foreplay. Some kissing and rubbing.
Gettin’ Steamy – Escalated foreplay. Still kissing and rubbing, but better!
Gettin’ Naughty – Things are starting to get explicit!
Gettin’ Busy – [CENSORED]
Once you’re in the final level, the game will continue indefinitely. Play for as long as you’d like.
Some actions have times, some don’t. If no time is indicated, it’s left up to the discretion of the spinning player. Remember, this game is about having fun, not following strict rules!
*** Editing Actions ***
All actions in the game are editable. You can add new actions and modify or delete existing actions. When editing an action, special wildcards can be used so that a player’s name shows up in the action.
[Player] – Randomly selects any player that’s not the spinning player.
[Guy] – Randomly selects any guy player that’s not the spinning player.
[Girl] – Randomly selects any girl player that’s not the spinning player.
Devil's Wheel是一款性感而顽皮的轮盘式游戏,仅限成人使用!游戏中包含一系列操作,可帮助您探索卧室中令人兴奋的新事物。玩家旋转方向盘并执行他们着陆的动作。当你玩游戏时,游戏等级会增加强度!
Gettin'轻浮 - 轻松的前戏。一些接吻和摩擦。
Gettin'Steamy - 升级前戏。仍然亲吻和摩擦,但更好!
Gettin'Naughty - 事情开始变得明确!
Gettin'Busy - [CENSORED]
[玩家] - 随机选择任何不是旋转玩家的玩家。
[家伙] - 随机选择任何不是旋转球员的球员。
[女孩] - 随机选择任何不是旋转玩家的女孩玩家。